Special Offers
Specials make it easier to do the healing work we all need while keeping out bank account healthy too!
February Special: 2 sessions for $200.
Be your own valentine and give yourself a closer relationship with yourself! From February 1- 28 you can book 2 sessions for $200. February is the only time of year I offer a special other than the ongoing special listed below, so it’s a good time to do something great for yourself and save some money (also good) as well. Both sessions need to be used within six months (by August 31). This can be combined with the ongoing special so you could have three sessions for $275. That’s a super savings.
Ongoing Special: Support smokefree air and receive a free session!
In the spirit of reciprocity I offer a free healing session to anyone who makes a tax deductible donation of $75 or more to Smokefree Air For Everyone (SAFE). If you’ve read my about page, you’ll know I contracted a chronic lung condition from secondhand smoke exposure where I worked. At the time, in the early 1990s, there was little protection from secondhand smoke and it was quite common to be exposed in the workplace and in restaurants.
To protect people from exposure to secondhand smoke where they worked I co-founded Smokefree Air For Everyone along with Esther Schiller who was also fighting for smokefree air in her workplace. We helped get California’s smokefree workplace law passed, convince the LA Airport board of commissioner to make LAX smokefree, met with our representative Henry Waxman, who went on to hold the Congressional hearings on tobacco where all the tobacco execs denied that tobacco was addictive.
The nonprofit we founded, Smokefree Air For Everyone, now helps people who have secondhand smoke entering their apartments and condos from neighboring units. For a time we were funded by grants but decided to forgo those several years ago in favor of flexibility. We now rely solely on donations.
Your donation will help us to help others live healthier lives.
Offer is limited to one session per person per year, but can be repeated every year. People must book their own appointments.